Ridgefield Perfect Smile Center Blog

How to Stop Red Wine from Staining Teeth this Holiday Season

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 4:59 pm
A swirling glass of red wine

Whether you want something to pair with dinner, or need to unwind during vacation, red wine pairs perfectly with the holiday season. However, it can just as easily discolor your teeth. Fortunately, there are some preventive measures you can take to protect your teeth from that deep red color. Here are a few ways to prevent red wine stains on your teeth during the holiday season.


5 Tips for a Smile-Friendly Thanksgiving

November 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 12:05 pm
a healthy Thanksgiving meal in Ridgefield

Are you excited about the Thanksgiving festivities? Whether you’re looking forward to the parades or catching up with loved ones, one of the main highlights is to chow down on plenty of tasty foods. While many of the staple meals are delicious, some can be detrimental to your oral health. Read on to learn five tooth-friendly tips to help you enjoy a healthy Thanksgiving!


5 Tips to Keep Your Smile Healthy this National Dental Hygiene Month!

October 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 2:06 am
WOman flossing

Now that autumn has come around, you are starting to get eager for the cooler weather and the upcoming holiday celebrations. However, you shouldn’t forget that this month is National Dental Hygiene Month! By being aware and committing to your oral hygiene routine, you can keep your smile healthy for many years to come. Even if you think you are diligent about your dental care, there may still be some ways that you can improve. Continue reading to learn some helpful oral hygiene tips.


Ready to Celebrate National Coffee Day the Healthy Way?

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 7:57 pm
A calendar marking National Coffee Day

Did you know there’s such a thing as National Coffee Day? It’s true! Sept. 29th is a day dedicated to celebrating java in the U.S. and Canada. When the day comes, coffee drinkers from both countries can toast their cups of joe. If you plan to join the festivities, though, you should take some precautions first. Otherwise, coffee could harm your dental health. Luckily, your Ridgefield dentist can ensure that doesn’t happen. Read on to learn how coffee can damage teeth and what you can do to keep it from doing so.


Why Does Vitamin D Improve Dental Implant Success?

July 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 3:35 pm
A man holding a capsule of vitamin D

So, let’s say your dentist has just finished placing your dental implants. You probably feel confident that these restorations will work for a while. After all, implants have a staggering 95% success rate! Even so, you ask your dentist how to make your odds better. Their response? “Increase your vitamin D levels.” Now, you’re probably asking yourself why this nutrient would help. To learn the answer, read this summary on vitamin D’s implant benefits from your Ridgefield dentist.

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