Pediatric Dentist in Ridgefield, CT for Children’s Dental Health

February 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 7:34 pm

All too often, people underestimate the importance of dental health for children. However, oral health is not just important for a child’s ability to eat and speak correctly, but also sets the foundation for their dental health as an adult. Unfortunately, only 83% of children see their dentist twice a year. In addition, 75% of children do not brush their teeth properly. If the lack of commitment to dental health is not reversed, these children are more likely to have significant oral health complications as an adult. As your pediatric dentist in Ridgefield, CT, we want to ensure your child has the right foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. There are many simply ways you can promote your child’s dental health.

Teach the Importance of Brushing

Brushing the teeth twice a day is important to remove plaque and tarter buildup. When they are not removed, children are more likely to develop cavities. In fact, over 17% of children have untreated dental caries.

To prevent cavities, children need to brush their teeth twice a day. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush that fits the size of their mouth. Using a fluoride toothpaste to strengthen the enamel, all surfaces of the teeth should be cleaned for at least two minutes.

Promote the Benefits of Flossing

Flossing removes plaque and tarter accumulations that have not been removed by a toothbrush. It is important for children to get into the habit of flossing once a day to prevent gum disease, which affects roughly half of adults. By teaching your children to floss in between each tooth daily, this habit will likely carry over into adulthood to promote healthy gums.

Visit the Dentist Twice a Year

Even those with the best oral hygiene habits need to see their dentist twice a year for preventive care. The American Dental Association recommends every one over the age of two has a professional cleaning and checkup every 6 months.

Preventive dental appointments for children help to ensure the proper development of primary and permanent teeth. By keeping the teeth clean, the risk for tooth decay and gum disease significantly decreases. In addition, comprehensive evaluations allow us to detect dental problems sooner for early intervention. This helps to reduce the need for invasive treatments in the future.

With regular appointments, children learn to trust their dentist while understanding the importance of dental care. As a result, they are more likely to maintain preventive care as an adult.

Eat a Balanced Diet

The foods your child eats play a role in their oral health. A well-balanced diet provides them with the nutrients they need to develop strong, healthy teeth. To protect the teeth, children should have limited consumption of sugary and starchy foods, which cause tooth decay.

Your Dentist for Children’s Dentistry

At Ridgefield, your perfect smile center, we are committed to creating generations of healthy smiles. For complete pediatric dentistry, contact our office today to schedule a consultation. We will help set the foundation for a lifelong, healthy smile.

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