Achieve Your Best Smile with Porcelain Veneers in Ridgefield

September 12, 2016

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: — danajones @ 8:00 pm

When you look in the mirror, are you tired of seeing a less than perfect smile staring back at you? If so, Ridgefield Perfect Smile Center has the solution for you. Porcelain veneers in Ridgefield allow you to achieve your best smile using a minimally invasive procedure. As a cosmetic dentist in Ridgefield, we will transform your smile using a natural-looking solution to enhance the overall appearance of your teeth. The false fronts are ideal for hiding cosmetic flaws while promoting a shapelier smile.

Your Dentist for Porcelain Veneers

Your smile plays a significant role in how you feel about yourself and often how others view you. In fact, many believe that an attractive smile is essential for positive social and career interactions. However, roughly 50 percent of adults are concerned about the appearance of their teeth. Now, you can gain added confidence with a dazzling new smile.

Porcelain veneers are very thin false fronts that are bonded to the teeth. Unlike other forms of dental veneers, those that are made from porcelain offer a more natural appearance. In addition, porcelain is thinner. As a result, you are able to maintain more of your tooth’s structure, making the procedure minimally invasive.

Those who suffer from tooth discoloration, chips, cracks or abnormally shaped teeth can instantly transform their smile with the veneers. In addition, the veneers can also be used to make the teeth appear straighter, offering the ideal alternative to orthodontic treatments. We are even able to make the teeth appear longer and more proportionate—perfect for those with smaller than average teeth. Overall, your teeth will have an enhanced shape and appearance for a truly radiant smile.

Porcelain Veneer Procedure

To achieve your best smile, you will need to undergo a consultation with Dr. Dana C. Jones to see if you are a candidate for veneers. If you are a candidate, a comprehensive treatment plan is created to begin making over your smile. During your first appointment, your teeth will be prepared. Preparation involves cleaning the teeth and removing a very small amount of enamel. Enamel removal is needed for bonding and to ensure the veneers sit flush on the teeth.

After your teeth are prepared, we will then use images and impressions to create your new smile. While you wait for your veneers to be made, temporary veneers are attached so you can walk out of the office confidently. Once your veneers are ready, we simply remove the temporary veneers and bond your permanent veneers to your teeth.

With the right care, your veneers will last an average of 10 years. You will gain a brighter, whiter smile to love the smile staring back at you in the mirror.

Get Your Best Smile

We are committed to creating beautiful smiles with high-quality dentistry. If you are tired of an unattractive smile, it is time to achieve your best smile with porcelain veneers. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation. We will help you gain an attractive smile with porcelain veneers.

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