How Dental Health Affects Your Child’s Success in School

November 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 10:05 pm

Parents want their children to be successful and that starts with getting the most out of education at an early age. Oral health may not be something that you’ve ever considered when it comes to your child’s success, but did you know that research has proven that children who reported tooth pain were more likely to have lower GPA’s? There is a very good reason for that, and your dentist in Ridgefield has the details about why oral health directly affects learning in school and how you can help set your child up for success.

How Does Oral Health Affect My Child’s Success in School?

In the US, cavities are one of the most common health complications children struggle with. If left untreated, they can cause a multitude of issues that affect the ability to learn. The most obvious reason is that physical pain distracts children from their focus on studies. Depending on the severity, children may have to miss school to spend time at the dentist office, and that means missed learning. This can result in poor grades leading to mental and emotional obstacles that further inhibit success. Fortunately, poor oral health is preventable. Keep reading to find out how parents and caretakers can help their children maintain healthy smiles and flourish in school.

How Can I Help My Child Maintain Good Oral Health?

Helping your children to maintain good oral health is not only protecting them from dental issues down the road, but you’re also giving them the gift of success in school, which will set them up to thrive in a career. Here are a few easy and practical oral health measures you can take to help your child succeed:

  • Encourage them to brush twice a day and floss each night before bed. These two simple practices are probably the easiest way to help maintain oral health. While brushing does the bulk of the work, it’s important to stress that flossing is just as essential to removing plaque from spaces between teeth that the toothbrush can’t always access.
  • Let them drink tap water. This one might sound strange, but according to the Centers for Disease Control, the majority of communities add a measured amount of fluoride to their tap water in an attempt to reduce tooth decay and promote the optimal level of oral health.
  • Visit the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. This is another great preventive measure you can take. Teaching your children the value of seeing the dentist on a regular basis can help them get ahead of any issues and maintain a healthy smile in the long run.
  • Talk to you dentist about sealants. Dental sealants are a very common and effective way to protect your child’s teeth from decay. The dentist can apply a clear and tasteless seal over hard-to-reach molars in the back of your child’s mouth that are more prone to cavities.

It’s never too early to start teaching your children the value of oral health, and you have to power to provide them with the tools they need to maintain a healthy smile, succeed in school, and live a fulfilling life. Call your dentist today to schedule your child’s next dental check-up!

About the Practice

Dr. Dana C. Jones and Dr. Josephine A. Franzese lead the team of dental experts at Ridgefield Perfect Smile Center. They are passionate about helping children succeed in life through the gifts of healthy and beautiful smiles. They prioritize comfort at their practice, ensuring that every patient feels at home. Are you ready to schedule your child’s next dental check-up? Request an appointment online, or call us at (203) 438-8919.

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