ER or Emergency Dentist? Here are 3 Steps to Take During COVID-19

March 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — danajones @ 5:38 pm

You probably never expect it to happen to you, but 1 in 6 Americans face a dental emergency each year. Although there’s never a good time for it to occur, having one during the COVID-19 pandemic can be extremely stressful. Since many dental offices are closed, where do you go? You might believe you need to make a trip to the hospital, but this often isn’t the right choice. Not only are emergency rooms ideal for transmitting viruses, but they also aren’t equipped to handle dental emergencies. Here are 3 steps you should take to stop your pain and save your smile.

1. Dentist VS Emergency Room

Dental emergencies can be frightening, but you need to calm down and assess the situation to determine if you need to head to the hospital or dentist. With hospitals overcrowded and overworked, you only want to go to the emergency room if you suspect a broken jaw or have a medical issue that requires attention. Not to mention, they can’t treat the underlying cause of the problem. The most they can do is prescribe pain relievers or antibiotics. Instead, it’s best to provide the appropriate first aid at home and call your emergency dentist.

2. Provide First Aid

After assessing the situation, perform first aid at home depending on the issue you’re having.

  • Toothache: a toothache is never a good sign. It’s often caused by an underlying problem, like decay or an infection. Use an over-the-counter pain reliever to manage your discomfort.
  • Knocked-Out Tooth: Hold it by the crown and rinse the tooth with water. Try to reinsert it back into the socket. If you can’t, place the tooth in a cup of milk.
  • Dislodged Tooth: Gently push it back into position and bite on a piece of gauze to hold it in place.
  • Broken Tooth: Keep the tooth clean and avoid chewing on it. Use a cold compress to manage any swelling.
  • Broken Restoration: Don’t try to fix it on your own. Instead, call your dentist to have it repaired or replaced.

3. Call Your Dentist

Despite COVID-19, don’t want to see your dentist. If you delay getting the care you need, you might lose your tooth. Don’t worry, your dental office will take extra precautions to ensure your wellness during your visit.

Get the Same-Day Care You Need

Don’t wait to see your dentist or it might cost you your smile. No matter if a toothache is keeping you awake at night, or you’ve experienced a blow to the face, contact your dentist right away.

About Dr. Dana C. Jones

Since 1997, Dr. Dana Jones has provided the community with compassionate dental care. He is always there for his patients, offering the advanced services they need for optimal oral health. Dr. Jones is available during COVID-19 for emergency services. His office and staff are following the CDC’s guidelines to ensure patient safety. If you have an oral health issue that can’t wait, contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

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