What to Do If You Knock Out or Lose a Permanent Tooth

February 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 8:58 pm

Nobody likes the thought of losing a permanent tooth. However, it’s important to know what to do if you ever find yourself in this unfortunate situation. Acting quickly and correctly makes all the difference in whether your tooth can be saved or not. Read on as your emergency dentist explains exactly what you should do if your permanent tooth gets knocked-out.

Step 1: Find Your Knocked-Out Tooth

It may seem obvious, but the first step is to locate your knocked-out tooth. When you find it, carefully pick it up by the crown, which is the top part of the tooth. It’s important that you don’t touch or pick it up by the fleshy, sensitive root.

Step 2: Carefully Clean Your Tooth if Needed

If the tooth root looks dirty, you can carefully clean it off. Use water, sterile saline solution, milk, or saliva to rinse away any debris, but do not use any soap or chemicals to disinfect it. To keep it as healthy as possible, don’t dry it or scrub away any clinging tissue.

Step 3: Keep the Tooth Somewhere Safe

Damaging a permanent tooth after it’s been knocked out can happen very easily, which could dramatically reduce its likelihood of being saved. The best place to keep it is back in its socket. Holding your tooth by the crown, you can try to gently reposition it in your mouth and bite down softly to hold it in place.

If you can’t put the tooth back in its socket, place it in a clean container, plastic bag, or glass. For the tooth to remain viable, it needs to stay moist, so keep it in milk, saline solution, or even saliva. Don’t store your tooth in water or else the surface cells of the tooth’s root may burst.

Step 4: See Your Emergency Dentist Within 30 Minutes

Call your dentist and explain your situation as soon as you can. The chances for successfully saving your permanent tooth start to diminish after 30 minutes, so you need to make an appointment right away. Thankfully, most dentists have times reserved for emergencies and will see you within the day. In the meantime, they can give you detailed first aid instructions and pain management suggestions over the phone.

Hopefully, all your teeth will stay firmly in place throughout your life. However, if you do find yourself with a knocked-out permanent tooth, don’t panic! If you act quickly and follow these steps, you should be able to get back to enjoying your fully intact smile in no time!

About the Practice

If you or your loved one is experiencing a dental emergency, Ridgefield Perfect Smile Center of Ridgefield, CT is here for you. Whether there’s something lodged between your teeth, you have a painful toothache, or your permanent tooth has been knocked out, our friendly and skilled team of dentists will always do their best to see you within hours and get your oral health back on track. Even if you’re unsure if your situation counts as a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to reach us via our website or at (203) 438-8919.

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