Don’t Panic – Instead, Do This in Response to a Dental Emergency

January 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 10:55 pm

One way to ruin a nice day, for sure, is for a dental emergency to occur. It can take on many forms, from a severe toothache to a dislodged dental fixture. No matter what happens, it’s best to be prepared so you can take effective action to encourage a full recovery. As you continue reading, you’ll discover what to do in a dental emergency. Although you want to prevent dental trauma as best you can, by being better informed, there will be no need to panic.

Broken Tooth

If you have a broken tooth, the first step is to gather any dislodged pieces and store them in a small baggy to bring with you to your emergency dentist. After contacting your dentist to explain what has happened, you can apply an ice pack to reduce any swelling. To quiet any pain, an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen (Motrin) will help.


At the first discovery of severe tooth pain, you should immediately reach out to your dentist. While waiting to be seen, you can manage any discomfort by taking Motrin or acetaminophen (Tylenol). If there is any swelling, you can apply ice in 15-minute intervals.

Knocked Out Tooth

If a tooth is dislodged, after contacting your emergency dentist, grab it by the crown (the wider portion), and be careful not to remove any tissue that may be attached. Rinse away any debris and attempt to gently reinsert the tooth. If this doesn’t work, then place the tooth in a cup of milk or water with a pinch of salt added until you can visit your emergency dentist.

Broken Dental Work

A lost filling, crown or any other type of dental work can leave your tooth vulnerable to debris entering to cause a painful infection. Until you can be seen by your emergency dentist, you can attempt to temporarily reattach the fixture using dental wax or a small dollop of toothpaste.

Foreign Object Lodged Between Teeth

If food or some other type of object becomes lodged between your teeth, you should avoid forcibly removing it. Instead, gently floss around the area, but if that doesn’t work, then leave it to the capable hands of your emergency dentist in Ridgefield.

Remember This

While there are several types of dental emergencies that can happen, the most important thing to remember in any situation is to remain as calm as possible. While it’s natural to be worried at the first discovery of dental trauma, by knowing how to effectively respond, you can lessen any suffering and aid in the recovery process.  

If your oral health is suddenly compromised, don’t hesitate to seek the help of your dentist in Ridgefield.

About the Author

Dr. Dana C. Jones is a graduate of the University of Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine. Throughout his career, he has provided calm and compassionate care to help his patients navigate any situation. Dr. Jones treats dental emergencies at Ridgefield Perfect Smile Center, and he can be reached for more information through his website.

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