How Dental Implants in Ridgefield Combine With Your Denture

August 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — danajones @ 6:03 pm

If you’ve ever struggled with your denture, either because it won’t stay in place while you’re eating or because your mouth is constantly changing shape, you’ve probably heard dentists mention dental implants. Of course, you’re probably thinking that you don’t want to replace an entire row of teeth with implants, either because of cost or fear that you won’t be eligible.

But did you know that dentures can be retained using dental implants in Ridgefield? Here’s how the process works!

What are Implant-Retained Dentures?

If you currently wear a denture, then you know that it doesn’t really connect to your gums in the most secure way. Since they’re meant to be removed, they only rest on top of the gums and are typically held with denture adhesive. Implant-retained dentures don’t rely on the shape of your gums nor adhesive to fit whatsoever.

Instead, they use implants that are placed inside the jaw and protrude through gum tissue, giving the denture something to snap onto. This effectively makes it an overdenture. While they can be made for both lower and upper jaws, they’re typically used for lower jaws because the bottom arch tends to be more problematic. They can also be made to be removable or fixed; fixed dentures are only removed by a dentist.

While implant-retained dentures can be a great alternative, that doesn’t mean the dentist replaces each tooth from your denture with an implant.

How Do They Work?

Instead of filling your entire mouth with implants, the dentist places two to five dental implants throughout the jaw. These work to support the same denture you’re used to and can be attached either through a bar or ball-shaped stud-attachments. Both allow for easy removal and cleaning just like a normal denture.

Once the dentist determines that you’re eligible to receive implants, he’ll go over the process of placing them, followed by scheduling you for surgery. Once you’ve been sedated, the dentist opens your gum tissue and places the implants into your jawbone. After closing the gum tissue, the implant is given several months to heal. Once fully healed, you can return for your denture specifically customized for connecting to your implants.

What are the Benefits?

Implant-retained dentures simply give you the option to remove your dental restoration for cleaning. Other than that, patients can experience all the same benefits they gain from traditional implants! These include:

  • Bone stimulation to prevent the jawbone from shrinking
  • Achieving the strongest biting force
  • Blood flow to the gums, preventing changes in your facial shape
  • Improved facial elasticity, helping you maintain a more youthful appearance
  • The ability to eat all your favorite foods
  • A smile that you can rely on

Don’t settle for a denture that no longer fits. Make them a long-term solution instead. Schedule an appointment with a dentist in Ridgefield today!

About the Author

Dr. Dana C. Jones earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. Once you’ve had your implants placed, he’ll be more than happy to help you with customizing your new denture to fit over them once they’ve healed. To learn more about the process of receiving implants, contact him through his website.

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